If your answer is yes, you may want to talk with one of our advisors! We have found cases against them for violating the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. Before paying this company be sure to check your consumer rights. Contact us today for a free consult to know your rights and don’t let Hoosier Accounts Service get the best of you!
Hoosier Accounts Service may have cases brought against them for violating the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA).
Hoosier Accounts Service Company Profile

“Hoosier Accounts Service was established as a debt collection agency in 1969 with the goal of providing professional, quality services that produce favorable returns for our clients. We have been in the debt collection industry for more than 50 years. During this time we have offered our clients the most comprehensive set of debt collection services available. Since then we have been collecting past due accounts in Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky, with our office located in Evansville, Indiana.
In our efforts to provide this comprehensive service we have remained on the cutting-edge of debt collection technology and debt collection-related law and training.”
Address: 2545 MJM Industrial Dr. Evansville, IN 47715-8526
Previous Address: 315 North Main Street Evansville, IN 47711
Phone Number: (812) 426-2291
Other Numbers Used: 800-566-3103
Email: None Available
Years in Business: 54 years
Business Started: 1969
Business Incorporated: Unknown
Type of Entity: Unknown
Website: http://www.hoosieraccounts.com
Doing Business As: Hoosier Accounts Service
Other names: None

If you -or anyone you know- have had Hoosier Accounts Service, or any other collection agency, violate your consumer rights let Sue the Collector help you! Take a moment to fill out our Free Consultation Survey at the bottom of this page! Our expert legal team will review your information and will help you determine if you have a case against your debt collector… at no cost to you!